Thursday, June 26, 2014

A day at the Zoo!

       Some days the weather is just too perfect to sit at home. The sun comes out and the weather is just so nice that you get hit with that instant craving for some outdoor time. We took our trip out to the zoo on a beautiful day. I had taken my son once before, but he was too little to really know what was going on. This time, he was 2 and he had such an amazing time. Of course we threw in some learning exercises. He told me when he saw an animal going 'night night' and he would say 'uh-oh!' if he saw one that fell over. LOL. He is so precious and I just cannot get enough of him. (I may be partially biased though). Here is a short run down of our day. I couldn't get too many pictures since I was so busy chasing him around.
       Whenever you get a beautiful day to get outside, then DO IT. It's so worth it to get outside and spend some good quality time with the little ones and make memories that will last their entire lifetime. You don't have to spend a ton of money to have fun with them. As a matter of fact, this zoo trip was on Mother's Day (so I was free) and Landon was 2 and under (also FREE). Look around for some good deals in your area, or just go to the park and explore with a magnifying glass. There's always something to do. Have fun with it!
When they slow down is a good opportunity for a photo!
And being outside is a great way to tire them out for a good night's sleep. ;) 

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